The person like a diamonds

Born as the eldest son, it is not that easy! Role standoff president. In the eyes of Mom, Dad, I did not do anything wrong! Poor husband! Self-girlfriend went wrong! Unemployment is also wrong! Now unemployed, except that it does not rest! Okay rest! A five-month factory!

Brother Rat! Cannes top of my handsome brother came near.
Sweet but dont know the money! 'I murmured busy at Cannes painted powder makeup to work.
Brother Rat! Powder painted perfectly fit! Buy a few?
What? Like a walnut!

My brother also asked cream powder What's daughter?
And so you asked to do?
There! Just curious! 'Said the shy and cautious walk away.
Hooray! Do Sokmean girlfriend debut!
'There! .... It's my face.
Roth himself just hours! Beware I know a debut!
«I was not Daddy! Sokmean and know what is good and bad! Important to know the difference! This session and the cake bigger than Big?! How to love each other! American couple, it's not you so successful is because we have to face these problems ! ......
Stop ......! Do not get angry ox cart Hawaii! I'm alone angry parents never talked to me! Worse, not only to the outstanding young complained dont hours!

Kan also walked away! Around! Look, this vulgar fraud and sister how old it is? 28 am just old virgin?
Before going to work, I have some money to spend because Cannes just two years did not There are no jobs. I'm the older sister could not bear to see a brother also learn to work with it is only willing work themselves since the end dates Fail to save up for it. Talker, I do not like asking for money parents spend.

As a woman, I recognize myself less money left over ten years and only child car a ride to work, not because I was spending too much on makeup accessories such as shoes, clothes, jewelry, special cosmetics. Tell cream Aside from Mac painted absolute policy a second time to save money to buy it. But some wonder Le powder used my 1st 2 weeks! Effortlessly painted Saving and did not know what?.

After his release from work, I was standing in my garden house suddenly saw my brother riding a motorcycle with a girl one student wearing same. Gansu down from the motorcycle and wave girl, she was turning I smiled and I smiled her motorcycle gone Kan looked me less and stooped walk into one of Pakistan veakaeu who are about to go out to eat.

'Boy, it would be like it!? These do not yet know how to find the money to house Realty female! Daddy stood leaning waist single sermon his youngest son did not have shoes to go home.
And Sokmean motorcycle riding? To ride with them, Um, yes, Arkansas?
.... 'Arkansas less talk to Dad, that it's not many people like me, I not only many speak but also itchy mouth eating Trav likes stretched mouth.
Pakistan and Pakistan Met? American children do not step foot house, a spate of discourse! To ride to the new fuel will run out of money! '
Discipline is not my Dad, but he just introduced.

Pakistan often must I fire up the mouth as well as his mouth and leaning waist angry Daniel van horn neighbor called mom. Mom, where everyone picking up and murmured:
And it is this new? Honking the horn?! And the new Roth? How to cut pope himself has only made him angry?
From Pakistan started before! I said, like a magician.
`Never matched what chance this baby! Mom complained.
And yeast with them meh yeah! Daddy mom yelling from the car, he rushed up the car .

Kan dry face and walked into the house. Pity and self-pity, since I refused to take her, he always felt bad on i. I do not want the old virgin? Not only from you.
Cannes dinner and not eat it just hiding the room. Meals, I walked into the room it was my phone and went to sit on the mattress it slowly and visualizations room precarious because it came a long time ago. There rooms are way over my room.

You yourself look less evil deprives Zimbabwe powder? 'Pass me a powder box.
There! Zimbabwe! Buy it? One? Buy them? I quickly obtain them immediately.
`Buy on the last day! 8 Realty bought them!
Male or female? '
'And look! I said Cardenas powder and snatched out of my hand into the bag.
Last evening it? I asked. It nodded mouth
A perfectly clean! Young beautiful smile and autograph!
'Absence borrow hybrid China!
What? Sokmean girlfriend are dont?
'On the back!

Dying! Valentine called it Sweet sometimes Um!
Hoy! Pennsylvania called so often not! Grumbling sound. Bored, I call it but also password.
Thou! Password brother! '
`Do not want to! Look! Trying to save money to buy iPhone 5s, making it self-resistant use a flashlight to check whether telephone.
It's the book I was not in any disruption walked out. Back pass sofa receptionist photos Cannes exam B among our party it. smiling family of four we moved to this family, because it is no longer as before. Pakistani children are getting older, but his two friends have grandchildren and even his son-in-law did not exist .

He was also upset with me since he introduced his son, but I do not take. Not that they were not good, but they not only know me when I introduced Where is known since I work in the old company, but he did not love me, he used to love another woman, and only those do not love them, some traitors, they will fall to me. I mean that as a last resort, and I do not want this. If they do not see me, I do not only see each other every day, love and love I?. There is no way that I do as your final choice.

I am a woman who for many women as I wished to marry only once in a lifetime, so I use the time to consider properly. I see them married, and it makes me more afraid I lost my friend's son they even do not want to see because a mother is really responsible. There are many other reasons that I do not want to marry, they have nothing to be ashamed of single and do not care Kan married I was still blessed nephew as is blessed but you do not need baby also.

However, Cannes is like a diamond's family school furniture, non-predatory character Women older gentleman mild commended. This is why I love that story tonight is from his motorcycle upset MSX Dad to buy it's a ride, it is not only ride to ride with his girlfriend.
Back home in a quiet, because I was not so much as to say to the House, I will quietly as a thief horse theft. Dad, do not talk to me for a week. That people get older character more like smart offended.

Sunday I go to the supermarket to buy some consumers a woman is like shopping. See this Malay powder not good at all. I also met a child who is her boyfriend Arkansas're buying secondhand clothes and face It is also still wearing second-hand clothes? Not worth knowing! Saw me, she smiled and asked:
Ah’? 'She asked, smiling. This beautiful child? Tune Arkansas.
Yes, you! And the trunk? '
'Oh! Emmaus buy shirts for poor kids am I?
'Oh! Dont! This young and likes to do?!
In the kids dont want to do outside the old pagoda in Wat!
EUR good!

Day after tomorrow, I took my children to a friend and went Cannes! unemployment?
«I want to, but you busy!
If you're busy you can also budget too!
From this, she does not know the demands or fundraising, but she says this does not happen not to be that the future does not make do with the poor.

Easy not easy, not married because dummies do not know! I took the money $ 10 to her.
Here you do not have to but $ 10!
She also received money and smile:
Thank you, and to help children! Thanks for children wish you soon have a husband!
Alleys! As they put a rod so! She was my fleshy lips a word trunk without fear of being a little anger to my heart, character Bismarck?

Euro! Thanks! Cannes dont powder bought the day before put it right? It also asked that are not too afraid of touching skin me alone!
'Yes?' She wondered powder?
`Powder! It bought an $ 8!
'No! I just pure powder using only $ 8! Phil 2500 to all!
'Um! It tells you that it is buying flour that to me alone?
Ah’! ... She makes it look so slow to respond remembered! I did not put too! Do not know or do not need you! '
Dont you?
'Yes! Dont '
Dont you go ahead and!
'Yes, I'm well along the way!
From this view, he also chatter of old words? Prophecy or blessed? Once when they will understand the feeling to be comfortable! Arkansas, less educated her mouth hurt in there?.

Once arrived home safe from his girlfriend's blessing Arkansas I hurried preparation materials that have bought Emmaus put into place so oblivious that a buffer powder! Just buy and use only once and is now gone? I bent down and looked under the table, lest it fall, but did not find the mouse or carry? Can not be! Where's the mouse trunk conveyed powder? Wondered Sen. wonder mom or borrow? I walked into the room mom look but do not see. Missing less angry powder rage hours!
Titus! Titus!
The Ends

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