US Democratic Party will vote in three states

State on Saturday in the western United States 3, Alaska, Hawaii and Washington state will hold caucuses in the race for president Democrats step toward the Democratic party convention.

Hillary Clinton, the former Prime Minister, the State Department is leading the Democratic Party, which has the largest number of delegates but Bernie Sanders, State Senator Vermont does not stop at this, and in some areas, Mr. Sanders competitor's strongest woman Clinton.

In a speech on Wednesday after a deadly attack in the capital, Brussels, Clinton has focused attention on the party's presidential candidates Republican Donald Trump and Ted Cruz, and what she called an arrogant foreign policy without regard to their 2.

Clinton says that we must rely on what was real, not arrogant, making our ties with Allied polarized, and it will not make us safer.
Mr. Sanders popular millennial generation and the first voter had said, 'We need a political revolution.

Analysts said the 3 caucuses in the state election on Saturday would be a good result for Mr. Sanders because competition in the elections, caucuses liberal Democratic attract the most active. Moreover, Mr. Sanders received the support of young voters, a group that President Barack Obama took office 2 consecutive terms in the White House.

Clinton was more than 672 delegates to get the nomination. Mr. Sanders needed delegates than Clinton doubled and on Saturday he needed at least 142 delegates to get the target delegates 2383.

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