The unemployment rate in the United States rose slightly

The US economy gained 215,000 jobs in March, while the unemployment rate has increased more than ever before.

Data on Friday's Labor Ministry... Showed that the unemployment rate rose slightly, up 5 percent when the American people were unemployed Hundreds of thousands have sought to find a job again.

The growth in the number of people looking for work has caused the unemployment rate to rise because the government experts that they are officially unemployed if they do not find a job during the past 4 weeks.

Jobless people has to be encouraged by news that the economy is better, which is probably why a recent study of the University of Michigan showed that the use of foodstuffs have slightly optimistic. The report on Friday also showed that salaries rose 3 percent to 10 percent last month.

Employment growth in the retail sector, construction and health care, while the manufacturing sector tool use and Mines have lost their jobs. The data show that the American people, 8 million people are still unemployed, while 6 million people 1 million people want to work full time but they could find only part-time jobs.

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