Obama sees remarkable progress on nuclear security

US President Barack Obama praised the progress much beyond that nations in the world to achieve security atomic and he has promised... will continue to cooperate in all efforts to reduce warehouse nuclear substances and make it safe.

Speaking to more than 50 world leaders who attend the nuclear security summit in Washington, Obama said the nation More than 12 abandoned uranium enrichment uranium (uranium) and plutonium Major uranium (plutonium) selected their all. uranium and plutonium Major uranium is radioactive they are needed to produce a nuclear bomb.

In the last 6 years of the international meeting on nuclear security, including the fourth summit, which he also initiated The uS president said: 'we embrace new thinking and a new kind of activity as well.

Obama told these leaders in the plenary session of the summit, which has been published worldwide: this is an example of a security barrier in the 21st century, no nation can handle already alone. It requires a coalition and sustainable coordination across borders and institutions. And the good news is that we made a lot of progress steps.

Obama also attended a meeting of a small nation that has involved most closely with the nuclear agreement last year with Iran. he told the group that he called P5 + 1 group that deals with Iran succeeded lucrative deal and focused attention on the danger of nuclear proliferation in a real way.

Obama pointed out that, however, the full performance and continued work on agreement on Iran nuclear the same level of cooperation from the international community.

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