Conservatives tried to produce eggs electronics to help protect the birds from extinction!

Today, people around the world has steadily increased surprisingly. While the growth of some species turned irreparable, leading to extinction. To protect and save the rare species which is under the threat of those conservatives used various means. Recently, a group of conservative groups plan to produce eggs electronic part to help the vultures from extinction.
Vulture bird species eat dead animals, rotten food. It is a species which is under the threat and to move beyond them. Thus, conservation groups have decided to explore innovative ways to safeguard and protect this species avoid them. Electronic scored a goal and to use it to real life for the birds. Eggs are equipped with sensors that can help collect documents and living conditions of the birds above. They pointed out that the current vulture is under threat due to habitat loss and prey, leading them hard to live. After all, climate change is also a factor among them. Thus, conservatives need more information and more details to help this species.

 Eggs Electronics will introduce the birds to nest in April, and that those eggs can collect information and transmit information back through the receiver signals nearby. Information that eggs can be collected, such as temperature, humidity and pressure, and it has energy that can remain in the nest for up to 70 days. That means they can monitor the environment for the birds who are living and fertilization.
For the above projects is good you dream a little bit to see if one day only inhabited planet, will it go to? For me it was the worst nightmare because all living things on earth, is the ornament of the planet. Not only that, it helps to maintain the balance of the earth as well. Thus, the planet can not only survive, but there must be animals and plants.

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